J. Barber (life dates unknown)
was one of the engravers of Guthrie’s „New geographical, historical and commercial grammar, and present state of several kingdoms of the world“, published by Charles Dilly, G.G. and J. Robinson in London in 1790. Another engraver was Thomas Kitchin. Nothing more is known about Barber’s life.
Map details
This map from Guthrie’s „Grammar“ has a decorative title cartouche and three distance scales. It depicts Scandinavia, the Baltic, „Russia in Europe“, a little bit of Northeast Scotland, the Orkney and Shetland Islands including an inset of Iceland in the upper left corner. The Arctic Circle is marked but not in Iceland.
The shape of „Iceland Isle“ is the Knoff type. In the interior of the country, only the volcano Hekla, Lake Myvatn and the bishoprics Skalholt and Holar are named.